Saturday, May 19, 2012

Where Were You When I Needed You?

Laaaaaaawwwwwdddd.........y'all know my troubled dating history. It seems my departure has evoked some raw emotions in some of my exes. I have had two angry FB inboxes in the last 24 hours talking about "I act like I don't care." Get that shit all the fuck the way out of here. They were both right. I don't care. With both of these gentlemen I gave my all....only to have it pushed back in my face. But they got wind I was in a relationship and NOW they can find the time to talk. I'm just too through.

Now on to the "t". I am loving NOVA!!! I spent most of the day getting acquainted with my surroundings and getting a haircut for Chunky. I think we are going to just fine up here.

Tomorrow I may get up early go to church and take Chunk to the National zoo or aquarium. I have been feeling a little homesick but J has been helping with that. Speaking of J my feelings for him are going to another place. I don't know if it's love because I have confused really liking someone for love and it was disastrous. Whatever it is I'm enjoying it.....

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