Wednesday, May 9, 2012


*disclaimer: I just used that as title just because....*

I have made a little headway in Packing Struggle: 2012 Edition, lol. The worst part of moving is the packing process. If had wand I would wave it and let the chips fall where they may.

J and I had a really interesting conversation this evening. I opened up a little more to him because I am tired of all the effort I put into pretending like I don't draw his name on my notebook (just playing!) , but you get my drift. I can't predict the future, but what I can do is enjoy this moment that we are in.

My sister is home! It suuuuuucks that I didn't get to spend her first day home with her, but we have a long weekend.

I finally found a product for my moisture loving hair! S/N: This my second time with natural hair and the first time around I was a product junkie. You name it I bought it. This time I am keeping these simple. Shea Organics Curl Soufflé has really rehydrated my hair. My next project is a leave in.....I'm just looking for the right combination of products that will work for my hair.

Time to turn in. I have some running around to do in the morning the back home to pack......

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